Monday, May 23, 2016

A Request to Lego

Please help lobby Lego to make conductive (Maker) Legos by sharing this article/request.

"As an educator and assistive technology practitioner I work on ways to improve access for kids with disabilities.  One technique my colleagues and I use involves using a small micro controller (MakeyMakey) in conjunction with conductive materials (e.g. bananas, clay, etc) to make customized switches.  These switches can automate a voice, turn on a light, or play a song. 

I was excited to hear about Legos commitment to reducing the use of plastics and moving toward a more bio-degradable alternative.  Partly for the environmental reasons and partly for the hope that Legos could some day be conductive, allowing kids and AT practitioners alike to make tools for kids with disabilities.  

I'm writing in hopes that you might be able to consider using conductive materials in developing the next generation of Lego.  It would certainly open a lot of doors for our kids.

Thank you kindly for your time and consideration,"
Pete Carpenter (occupational therapist, father, and Lego fan) 

If you have thoughts or questions, please add to the comments section below.

LEGO for Occupational Therapists: Tips for Incorporating LEGO Into Your Occupational Therapy Program
author: Meaghan Nanson

Occupational therapists have a fun, difficult, and rewarding job. Their goal is to help people with specific physical, emotional, social or developmental needs participate in a full range of activities regardless of disability or other perceived barriers. In short, they provide specialized assistance to people of all ages who want to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Using elements of physical therapy, speech-language therapy, art therapy and more, occupational therapists create an environment that mimics the activities required in daily life – albeit sometimes in fun, creative ways. 

 This is where LEGO toys come in..... (See full article here) 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Affordable Summer Camps for Students

Elite Sports Academy, a Portland based non-profit, offers a cost efficient summer camp to children in low-income families. The camp will focus on education and sports training. Camps start on June 13th, and it will run until August 26th. The cost will be only $25 per week.  The camp will be held at King School from 10am-3pm Monday-Friday, with early drop off and late pick up from 7:30am-5:30pm at no additional cost. There will also be free breakfast and lunch provided every day. 
any questions or would like more information, please feel free to email me at or call me at 928-814-9648.